Leanne Ruell (poet, Iterant Editorial Assistant and RSH Grant Writer) talks with Bianca Stone about her new essay on why she writes poetry comics. Sort of.
At first I thought I should make this into two shorter digestible episodes out of this interview…but then I realized that if you’re going to listen to 30 minutes of Leanne and I talking about “containment” of chaos in poetry comics, the inevitability of investigating despair in as an element of transmutation, and the illusional of–and authenticity of–duality, of the self, that reflects in art, and back to the viewer in art…..then I figured you were in for the full 50 minutes.
Take breaks if you need. And please send post your comments, questions, and thoughts.
This ain’t over….!
The Phenomenon of Man (Le phénomène humain) is an essay by the French geologist, paleontologist, philosopher, and Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. In this work, Teilhard describes evolution as a process that leads to increasing complexity, culminating in the unification of consciousness. The text was written in the 1930s, but it achieved publication only posthumously, in 1955. (Wikipedia!)
8:52. The Phenomenon of Man – unfolding the spirit into matter –through poetry comics!
10:45. Certainly there’s a crisis of self.
12:17. Adopting a poetic mindset to gain insight—across occupations/genres.
22:50 “What I love about poetry comics is…” the representation of duality, especially the anxiety of mind and body.
25:14 Poetry transmuting despair.
29:40 Poets deal in a place of ambiguity. Poetry is also not a place to barf up your hang-ups.
32:00 There is something of the poets and artists making sense of despair. Making art we are attempting to dismantle the structural hold of our questioning.
37:35 Ultimately we want to be seen.
43:00 Perception vs. knowledge.
45:20 “Trust” is the word. Adopting a sense of faith to create meaning. It’s just like true therapy functions.
47:00 Suspend all previous knowledge. Adopt an oscillating position of thought.
49:10 Share your poetic mindset with the world around you.